age 11-17
Assembling and repairing a 3D printer, using 3D CAD software, Build your own 3D printer and learn professional CAD skills.
Unity software, graphics, programming using drag and drop or C#, Code and develop professional quality 3D games with Unity
化身游戏世界的造物主!用Unity/Unreal引擎开发沉浸式游戏,融合编程,美术与叙事,亲手打造3D游戏世界, 体验游戏开发的无限可能.
Learn about mechanics, electronics, coding and aerodynamics as you design and build your own high speed racing car.
Learn to build and fly a racing drone from scratch with a camera and a video headset,C++ programming, soldering and more.
制作一个属于自己的无人机,细节把控: 相机和视频,耳机等,学习c++编程,焊接等,学习无人机飞行操控与竞速, 加入团队赛道竞技,挑战“空中F1”.
Build battling robots, security systems, audio sound effect machines and take home an amazing pack of over 25 advanced electronic modules.
Learn Unity/C# VR game creation as you create your own virtual worlds, puzzles and escape rooms.
学习Unity/ c# VR游戏创作,打破次元壁,定义新维度,设计交互式虚拟场景, puzzles和逃跑路线,设计沉浸式VR体验.